World Heritage Cruise at Strahan

We had finally decided to go for World Heritage Cruise, a must do in Strahan. It was expensive, but then we were glad that we did it. It was a memorable day cruising the Gordon River.

Since we had a baby, we opted for the most expensive gold seats which offered better view and more comfortable seats. They are the red seats in the pictures. The blue seats are premium seats. And they do have cheaper options, standard seats at the main deck. You get better view at upper deck, but then even with standard seats you are free to walk around.

Standard seats - $105, include a lunch buffet
Premium seats - $130, include a lunch buffet
Gold seats - $150, include a morning tea and a lunch buffet

They allowed us to wander about the vessel, even the pilot room. Yes, that was me acting on the pilot's seat. ;)

an hour guided tour at Sarah island

posing at Sarah island

Morning tea was a cup of tea/coffee with a sweet/savoury

I got some Duplo from the playroom for PZ

fast asleep baby 

and now papa's turn to carry the sleeping baby

One thing worth mentioning was their lunch buffet. It was superb! We talked about the food again and again after the cruise.

My first plate: cold meat, smoked salmon, potatoes salad, rotini, beetroot pickles and apple celery walnut salad.

My second plate: smoked salmon, apple celery walnut salad, cracker and bread with cheeses.

The cruise ended at about 3pm, then we spent the rest of the evening wandering about Strahan town.

World Heritage Cruise
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