China: ShenZhen Theme Park Tour Part III

The next morning, we went to BoYuan Restaurant(博园大酒楼) for dim sum. It was the fourth restaurants within walking distance from our hotel. Please refer to map below.

ZhuZiLin Restaurants Map
A - HomeInn Hotel(如家)
B - LaoJiaXiang Hu Nan Dish(老家乡湖南)
C - MuWu BBQ(木屋烧烤)
D - BoYuan Restaurant(博园)
E - BaiJiaWei Hakka Restaurant(百味佳)

The happiest news was to know that bill before 12noon would get a 20% discount. :)

Dim sum price was RMB3.8 for small(小点), RMB5.80 for medium(中点), RMB8.80 for big(大点), RMB9.80 for special(特点), RMB11.80 for top(顶点) and RMB14.80 for super(超点).

back page of the menu

interior of the dim sum restaurant

char siew pau aka sweet pork bun(叉烧包)

Farm fresh milk(牧场鲜牛奶)

Deep fried savoury triangle(安虾咸水角)

Cheese and Sweet Potatoes Tart(芝士番薯挞)

Char Siew Steamed Rice Roll(肠粉)

We made repeated order for Soy Sauce Chicken feet (豉油王凤爪). Yummy!

Then it was time for us to depart to ZhuHai(珠海). Our hotel was not very far from the SheKou jetty(蛇口) so we took a taxi which cost us about RMB50.

The ferry not only go to ZhuHai, it also cover to Macau, Hong Kong and even Hong Kong International Airport.

ticket counter

ShenZhen to ZhuHai(珠海), RMB95
Zhuhai was out next destination.

out tickets

drink and snack for the boat ride

the speed boat

BoYuan Restaurant 博园大酒楼
Yuan Bo Yuan Hotel 5-7th floor, ZiZhu Qi Dao, ShenZhen