Macau: Strolling through the Histroric Center Part I

A total 25 locations or buidings of cultural and historic significance in Macau had been designated in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The best way to cover these sites were to take a heritage walk starting from the A-Ma Temple, near our dinner place last night. More info about Macau heritage can be found here.

1) A-Ma Temple 妈阁庙

Located at the south-western tip of Macau Peninsula, A-Ma Temple was the oldest temple in Macau. It was constructed in the year of 1844, that was before Macau came into being. It is also said that the name of Macau was derived from the temple.

A-Ma Temple

Years ago, Portugese sailor landed near the temple.

Maritime Museum was opposite A-Ma Temple
Official Web

spectacular view offered by the temple

The weather was warm. I was happy to see this mobile ice-cream stall in front of the A-Ma Temple.

2) Moorish Barracks 港务局大楼

This Moorish style building was once barracks, but now it is the headquarters of the Macau Maritime Administration.

3) Lilau Square 亚婆井前地

Lilau Square was one of the early settlements of Portuguese and the natural spring here was their main water source. The Portuguese were nostalgic towards Lilau Square which was expressed through their poem," Those who drink water from Lilau, will never forget Macau, will either marry in Macau or will come back to Macau."

4) Mandarin's House 郑家大屋

Integrating chinese and western design, Mandarin's house built in 1981 was the home of prominent Chinese literary figure Zheng Guan Ying.

5) St. Lawrence's Church 圣老楞佐教堂

We had almost missed this Church as it was blocked by the big old tree in front. Luckily there was this young man trying to capture photos using a tripod. Out of curiousity, we walked closer and found this St. Lawrence's Church.

staircase lead to St. Lawrence's Church

interior design of the church

6) St. Joseph's Seminary and Church 圣若瑟修院及圣堂

After the 6th heritage attraction, we arrived at this little coffee stall Century Coffee for their charcoal-toasted bread, iced milk tea and iced coffee. But to our disappointment, the stall was not opened on Sat and Sun. We had no choice but to move on to the next attractions.

Century Coffee 世纪咖啡
sito na Calcada do Gamboa Macau 澳门夜撫斜巷

7) St Augustine's Square 岗顶前地

St Augustine Square is surrounded by many important monuments, such as Dom Pedro V Theatre, Sir Robert Ho Tung Library and St. Augustine's Church.

8) Dom Pedro V Theatre 岗顶剧院

9) Sir Robert Ho Tung Library 何东图书馆大楼

10) St. Augustine's Church 圣奥斯定教堂

11) Leal Senado Building 民政总署大楼

12) Senado Square 市议厅前地

From Leal Senado, we crossed a busy road and reached Senado Square. Situated at the heart of the Macau Peninsula and with many other monuments surrounding it(Site #11 to Site #21), Senado Square was a happening place with throngs of people. The road was paved with wave-patterned mosaic of coloured stones while the buildings were colourfully painted. There was a lot of good food within walking distance which I will introduce in the coming posts. :)