We bumped into Wing Kei first. No hesistation at all, we got ourselves a small bowl of Beef Offal. (MOP$15 for small, MOP$25 for medium and MOP$35 for big) Obviously, Wing Kei was doing it a lot better than most of the Malaysia stalls. As Malaysian, sometimes we do hesistate when it comes to intestine. But this bowl of curry goodies was not a problem to me at all.
For those who still dare not to try, you can opt for Hen You Fish Ball. Hen You attracted a crowd of people until I had difficulty placing my order.
Taking a closer look. There were so many choices and I didn’t know what to let go.
The curry was not as thick as Wing Kei, but tasted as good. I liked the cheese balls and crab balls the most.
I bought a bottle of Hen You Curry Sauce, but I forgot to place in the check-in luggage. The Hong Kong immigration must be happy to have received it. Sob.
Wing Kei Beef Offal 荣记牛杂
Travessa Dos Anjos 天神巷
P/S: Travessa Dos Anjos(天神巷) was between Rua do Campo(水坑尾街) and Rua de Pedro Nolasco da Silva(伯多祿局長街).
Hen You 恒友
Travessa De S.Domingos 新馬路大堂巷
P/S: It was located at the small lane next to FANCL shop, together with Tai Tong Sai Wan On Kei(西灣安記) and Lemoncello Gelato(檸檬車露).
Can copy those ingredients to use in Penang lok-lok =) Especially the curry. Too bad you got "taxed" on the bottle in the airport.
Too bad! And that it supposed to be used in my Deepavali celebration. Sob.
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